Designing A Perfect Offshoot Utility Room

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One of the great additions to any kitchen space is a sideline utility room. This can be an area where you store most of your preserves outside of the pantry, keep and wash laundry, and in general store items that you may need over time. This can all be achieved without having to fill your kitchen with these items, which in turn helps the space feel more organized and appreciated.

Designing a perfect offshoot utility room can be achieved without too much in the way of space, and that’s often something we find appealing about them. In this post, we’ll discuss a few measures you can use in order to ensure such a room is useful for all the family, and that it helps take away some of the burden from your kitchen or even garage environments.:

Make Space For A Freezer

With a freezer you can use to store bulk-bought items for a long period of time, you’ll be in the best possible position to save money in the long term. With cost of living rises affecting all kinds of groceries, it might be that purchasing wholesale and then freezing worthwhile ingredients can be a good solution, and this can even work with fish and meat sourced from worthwhile sellers.

A freezer can always ensure that no matter what, you don’t have to be caught without a plethora of groceries to hand. For most people, that’s a valuable and useful provision to have.

Manage Your Laundry Space

Room for a water tube to fix to your washing machine can be helpful, as can segmenting space under the surface to ensure that it can operate peacefully without heavily vibrating against the wall. It’s also important to keep in mind a few reparative tips, such as knowing the top 5 reasons why your washing machine won’t stop filling. This can help you afford a repair rather than a full and immediate replacement. You may also wish to place a grounding mat to prevent vibrations when in operation, especially if your washing machine is on the second floor.

Create A Pet Space

Your pets need somewhere to eat, of course, and that often means providing them with a regular place they can find their food bowels and water. A utility room is perfect for this, as it prevents them from having to walk into a garage space which may be cold during the winter, and it can help keep the smell of dog and cat food out of your kitchen area. Set up the bowls in a container where they are unlikely to spill over, even with the most enthusiastic puppy throwing themselves at it. This can also serve as a worthwhile place to provide constant water access for your pets, ensuring that no matter what they have the sustenance they need.

Shelving For Preserves & Jars

It can be nice to have a shelving unit where most of your essential cooking ingredients are placed, without having to bulk up your kitchen walls with an overabundance of storage. From preserves to baking powder and flour, all of this placed in labelled mason jars can help you gain easier access when you need it, and a neat display when you don’t. This might also be a good place for the storage of a few cookbooks you can keep to hand if you’re feeling fancy.

This kind of shelving can also help you keep certain items private for a time, such as storing a birthday cake, or keeping away allergens should a friend with allergies come to stay.

Extra Storage

Even the biggest homes seem to need more and more storage space, but a utility room is a perfect place to find this. From beach towels to a place to hang up pet leads and a coat you wear when taking your dog for a walk, as well as wellington boots should you live in a rural area, extra private storage is always welcome and a nice way to keep things where they should be, never at risk of being moved around by family members without you really knowing how or why.

To summarize, a utility room has no hard and fast rules, but it can benefit if you decide to design it in the most coherent and worthwhile manner. From making sure you have the appropriate amount of space to do laundry and a calming place for your pets to eat in privacy, a worthwhile design can provide plenty of… well - utility - to your home.