Sugar Pink 'Set Your Steps' Challenge - Free Health & Fitness Challenge

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Way back at the start of 2019, I launched the Sugar Pink January challenge. The idea behind it was to create a supportive community of like minded people, who are all working towards the common goal of losing weight and getting fitter.

I even had our local BBC spotlight news come and visit me and film all about the Sugar Pink January challenge. I was also on the local radio, talking about all the amazing people that had signed up to take part in it.

In May I was on BBC Radio Devon, chatting about the new challenge!

Of the people that submitted their losses, an incredible 35 stone was shed collectively! We continued the momentum of the challenges with a Feb challenge and March challenge. In May, I launched Sugar Pink May, which focused on fitness as well as healthy food.

For August, 1000s of you took part in the 10000 Steps Challenge

Some of the feedback from those who took part in previous the 10000 steps challenge:

'It made me walk more and achieved it every day of August 'Best month yet as actually seen a loss!'

 'Loved it!!! Made me think a lot more about getting up from my desk at work a lot more and actually loving going for a walk round when I need a wee or just cos I can!'

 'I’ve enjoyed it..has made me mindful of how many steps I do (or don’t do!)'

The Set Your Steps Challenge

The challenge is to continue 2019 in the healthiest and best way that you can. Whichever diet plan you may be following. The challenge is open to anyone on any diet plan.

Building on the success of the 10000 steps challenge, in September the ideas is to set your own steps target.

I know that as a lot of you have been successfully hitting 10000 steps every day, it may be tie to step it up and raise your target.

The idea is that if you walk briskly for 30 minutes and include activity throughout the day as well this should reach a total of 10,000 steps.

For those 10000 steps you're burning about 400 to 500 calories! For those of your with kids off on summer holidays, this is a great way to get out and get active with them. So the more steps you do, the more calories you burn!

The good thing about tracking steps is that you can do all different exercises and different ability levels. So even if you're not physically fit and running and going to the gym every day, 10000 steps is still achievable.

Check out my Podcast with Sam Cleaver, a PT who talks about running and fitness for beginners.

There will be a special Closed Facebook Group where I will be sharing tips and tricks, answering questions, and we can all support each other going through their journeys.

The thing that makes my challenges so awesome is how supportive and friendly all the members that take part are towards each other.

Pick your target

Pick whether you think you should aim for 5000, 10000, 15000 or 20000 steps daily.

A few members have mentioned how instead of a daily target, they look at it as a whole week, therefore if you miss out on a few steps one day, you can make it up the next and still hit the weekly target.

How can I track my steps?

You don't have to have expensive kit to track your steps. I actually use a super good value step tracking watch, which also has Bluetooth and shows notifications from my phone.

It comes in loads of different colours and you can buy new straps for it.

A lot of modern smart phones have this facility built in, so if you carry your phone with you most of the time this can be a good way to track. Check out the app store for apps like Google Fitness etc.

* Join the closed challenge group on Facebook here *

If you're someone that does a lot of working out, you can also just convert your activity into steps.

Why Eating Healthy is Important Too

As great as 5000, 10000, 15000 or 20000 steps a day is for your physical fitness, eating healthily is also very important for your journey.

You are welcome to share your daily meals within the Facebook group, taking and sharing photos where possible.

If you need any inspiration for healthy meals, check out my meal plans and breakfastlunch and dinner recipes.

* Join the closed challenge group on Facebook here *

How much does it cost?

The challenge is FREE to take part in! I will be running the challenge predominantly from within the special closed Facebook group.

I may offer products to help you with the challenge, such as my planners or meal planning kits, but you don't need to purchase anything to get involved and come along on the journey. 

The only real cost is your own time and effort to help improve you health and wellbeing! 

I will be a little bit stricter this time, and those who are not actively taking part in the challenge will be removed.

Listen and subscribe to the Sugar Pink Podcast as we chat about the challenge and lives trying to lose weight!