£1.50 Lidl Wonky Veg Box

I heard a little while ago that these were a thing, but never managed to get my hands on one. When I was shopping in Lidl the other week, I couldn't believe my eyes when I saw it!

The concept is simple, a box made up of veg that may be close to its sell-by date, not so aesthetically pleasing or due to be replaced with new stock.

This is the box that I managed to get...`

Inside it was:

Brussels Sprouts 

This meant I had plenty of vegetables to get cooking and create some meals for the week! 

I wanted to try and use up stuff I already had in the house to make it as cost-effective as possible, and here is what I made!

I used this recipe for the sauce and added as many vegetables as I could from the box. I used cabbage, some chopped-up Brussels sprouts, cauliflower and onion.

It was absolutely delicious, and so easy to make!

Cherry, Apple and Pear Pie

I added chopped-up pears, apples and cherries with some sweetener to a pie dish. I had some puff pastry that was going off in the fridge, so sliced it up and made it into a lettuce-style topping. 

It was absolutely delicious with some fat-free Greek yoghurt. 

This was a brand new recipe I created which you can get here.  I used potatoes, cabbage, onion and tomatoes in this dish.

Cauliflower Cheese

It's a classic, any leftover cauliflower went straight into this as a side dish with the beef hot pot and pie. 

Another brand new recipe which I have posted, this used the onions and was served with the potatoes and Brussels sprouts. 

Banana Crumble 

I wanted to make something other than banana bread with the bananas, so any which I didn't eat went straight into this crumble! I added some brown sugar to the bananas and topped them with granola, then baked in the oven for 25 minutes.