Tips For 'Plus Sized' Working Out

There's no sponsored post or affiliate links here! All recommendations are my own.

So you want to lose weight, you've planned the meals and have been eating healthily for a long time.  Naturally, the next progression to this healthy lifestyle would be to start working out.

If you are yet to reach your weight loss target, it can be a scary thought to get out there and get active again. I've put together these tips for anyone who is thinking of getting started.

Have your heard about my FREE healthy lifestyle challenges? The May challenge starts on 1st of May, and includes a new 30 day work out plan!

Find Clothes You Feel Comfortable In

I have tried loads of different leggings, tops, kit etc. but the truth is, I work out better when I simply feel comfortable in what I am wearing. This is usually a pair of work out leggings, sports bra and a baggy t-shirt. 

There is no point getting yourself kitted out in expensive gym gear if you don't feel comfortable going out in pubic in what you're wearing.

Function over fashion!!

Invest in a Decent Sports Bra

If, like me, you have bigger boobs, then investing in a decent sports bra is one of the most important things you need to do. They not only save you from a lot of back ache, but ca help provide the proper support you need.

I use SimplyBe for my sportswear because they are a 'plus sized' clothing store, which essentially translates to 'our clothes fit people with real body shapes'. This is the exact sports bra I use...

Track your workouts 

When I have taken part in the Couch to 5K challenges, I have always been shocked to see how much I improve in such a short space of time. Little intensives like this help to keep me going as I am always desperate to see that the hard work isn't wasted. I use this fitness tracker watch as it's cheap, accurate, and comes in pink!

Another great way of tracking your workouts and healthy lifestyle change would be to look into getting a planner. I have my own range as well!

Check out my planners and kits to help keep you on track!

Set Realistic Goals

It is all well and good to have goals and big aspirations, but setting an unrealistic goal or target is only setting yourself up for failure. If you were to fail at reaching your target, it can be really hard to pick yourself back up from that, especially if you are just starting out. 

It is always best to set smaller, more realistic goals that are a challenge as well as achievable. Once you hit one goal, you can create the next to help you keep pushing forward.

Believe In Yourself

'Believe and you can achieve', I know that it sounds super cheesy, but it is such a true statement. As hard as it may be, we have to believe that we can do something to be able to fully immerse ourselves in it and achieve out goals.