My First Post!

Hello all!

So here I am, staring blankly at a big white empty page on my first blog, wondering if anything I say will be worthy of anyone reading but myself !  I guess I will start with a little about me.

I am Latoyah. 

I am 25 years old and live in Devon.  I love food.  I mean LOVE food.  I love cooking it, making it, baking it, tasting it and eating it.  Whether I have made it myself, or if I am eating in a restaurant I LOVE FOOD. This unfortunately means that I need to spend  a lot of time in the gym to stop me from getting any fatter than I already am!

So, what am I doing on a blog instead of gorging on chocolate cake in a darkened room?  Well, those that know me know that I love nothing more than spending time in the kitchen, making meals, cakes and experimenting with my own recipes   Lots of my friends that have tasted my food tell  me that I should enter Masterchef/Great British Bake Off or other equivalent.  That all sounds like too much hard work for my liking, too much pressure and turning something I love into somewhat of a chore. 

I decided that I would create this blog so that I can share my recipes, reviews of restaurants (yes, I am that girl that takes a photo of EVERYTHING I eat) food ideas, and just general gubbings.  I mean, I have a phone that is full of photos of food, why not do something with it?!?

So, hopefully you can join me for the ride and share my love of cooking and eating!!

Thanks for stopping by! You stay classy.

L xx