Sauerkraut and Lentil Stew


Sauerkraut and lentil stew is a very comforting, flavorful and low-fat recipe. It contains the whole range of food groups that highlight the herbaceous and lentil goodness. Sauerkraut is generally a fermented food that is made from raw cabbage fermented by bacteria. Fermented foods have extensive use in many cuisines, with sauerkraut being one of the most well-known traditional fermented moist cabbage side dishes. The lentils give it a soothing comfort food feel while still being healthy and light. Apple cider vinegar gives this stew depth and flavor. You can enjoy this recipe with our quality ingredients at Whole Food Earth.


Olive oil or butter (2 tablespoons)

Sauerkraut (3/4 cup)

Bay leaf (1, medium size)

Water (1/2 cup)

Mustard greens or collard greens (2 cups)

Green lentils (1/3 cup)

Cored and chopped green apple (1 medium size)

Honey (1 tablespoon)

Chopped onion (1 cup)

Chopped garlic (2 cloves)

Chopped jalapeno (1 without seeds and ribs)

Mustard powder (1 teaspoon)

kosher salt (1 teaspoon)

Cumin powder (1 teaspoon)

Chicken stock (1 cup)

Apple cider vinegar (2 tablespoons)



1. Pour olive oil into a pan. Heat it for two minutes and add chopped onions and garlic in it. Now add  kosher salt, mustard powder, cumin powder and jalapeno. Cook it for a few minutes.

2. After the onions become soft, pour in apple cider vinegar and chicken stock. Also, add a bay leaf in it.

3. Boil it on medium heat. After that, cover it and let it simmer for at least one hour on a low flame.

4. Now pour in water and add green lentils and mustard greens. Simmer it again while keeping the pan uncovered for half an hour.

5. Put sauerkraut and apples and boil them gently. Boil it until the lentils are cooked. Make sure the apples become tender.

6. Finally, add honey to it and stir for a few seconds. Your tasty stew is ready to eat.



Spectrum of taste

This sauerkraut and lentil stew recipe allows you to enjoy a variety of tastes as this recipe has so many ingredients in it. From veggies to lentils, from chicken flavor to vinegar tangy taste, it offers you a huge deal of savour. 

Healthy food

Fermented food (sauerkraut) provides you with many health benefits, such as anti-oxidant and anti-inflammatory activities. Lentils are a good source of proteins, fiber, vitamin B and potassium. Mustard greens contain carotene and are beneficial for the skin. It also lowers the risk of getting diabetes. Whereas green apples boost the immune system and promote healthy digestion.


Combination pairs 

Sauerkraut and lentil stew are good to go with cornbread, rice or noodles.

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