Top 3 Dishes to Impress an Older Woman

You’ve probably heard that good food is the way to anyone’s heart. And it’s true; no matter how old you are, if you love to eat many and tasty, that will never change. So, if you are a mature foodie who loves to cook and wants to find a romantic relationship, we have prepared a guide on how to find an older single woman who likes good food and what are the best dishes to cook to demonstrate your affection.

How to Find a Like-Minded Foodie?

First, you need to determine places where you can find a mature woman and how to figure out if she likes to eat good food. If you want quick results, perhaps you should turn to the fastest way of seeking relationships - online dating. You don’t have to look for a woman for a long-term relationship right away; you can just arrange a mature hookup first and then decide if this lady is right for you. Modern dating sites allow you to find the right older partners for any type of relationship, whether love or sex, regardless of where you live. And thanks to the fact that only people interested in romance gather on mature dating sites, it becomes even easier to find a mature woman online. But how do you know if she’s a foodie like you? 

Pay Close Attention to Dating Profiles

It’s one of the many reasons why modern singles of all ages choose online dating. On such platforms, you can read each user’s profile and learn a lot about them without even engaging in a chat. This is exactly what will help you find a mature woman who loves delicious food and who will want to meet you and try your cooking on a first date. And to make things go perfectly, let’s take a look at the top three dishes that will not only help surprise your woman with your cooking skills but also demonstrate your romantic feelings and set the right mood.

Best Dishes to Prepare That Will Set the Right Mood

1. Artichoke and Shrimp Cream Soup


  • 400ml of skim milk

  • 1/2kg of artichokes

  • 210g of prawns

  • 6 egg yolks

  • 2 tablespoons of brandy

  • 4 tablespoons of olive oil

  • Green onion

  • Salt

  • Pepper


Peel the artichokes, remove the toughest leaves, and reserve only the hearts; cut into very thin slices and fry them with 2 tablespoons of oil for about 10 minutes over medium heat until golden. Fry the prawns with the remaining oil for 5-8 minutes and flambé them with the brandy. Peel them, remove the heads, collect the juice, and set aside. Add skim milk, 200 ml of water, artichokes, and prawns’ juice to a pan, and cook for 10 minutes over medium heat. Whisk yolks in a saucepan and put them in a bain-marie, then cook, constantly whisking until it increases in volume. Remove your cream soup from the heat, season with salt and pepper, add the yolks and mix everything. Pour the soup into separate plates. Place two peeled prawns on the top of each portion, creating a heart shape.

It’s not just healthy but also an extremely finger-licking way to show your older woman that you not only have romantic feelings for her but also care about her health!

2. Heart-shaped Pizza


  • 1 Traditional pizza dough

  • 30g of dry tomatoes

  • 20g of onions

  • 15g of grated parmesan cheese

  • 180g of roasted red pepper without skin (1 pepper)

  • 20g of black pitted olives


Preheat the oven to 220ºC. Peel and slice onions. Cut out small hearts from the roasted red pepper using a heart-shaped cookie cutter. Roll the pizza dough with the paper that wraps it to make it softer. Cut 2 heart shapes of the same size out of the pizza dough using a knife. Wrap the edges of the hearts and press with your fingers to make borders. Put the fried tomato using a spoon without reaching the edges. Sprinkle some parmesan cheese, then put onions, olives, and pepper hearts onto the dough. With the remaining dough, cut small hearts and prick them with a fork. Put a heart of pepper for each one. Bake for 10-15 min until the pastry is golden.

It’s a quick and sweet way to make a romantic snack for your older date. She’ll definitely appreciate your creativity with this one! You can also change the ingredients to your preference; just make sure they don’t require long preparation.

3. Vegan Beetroot and Coconut Hearts


  • 45g of vegan milk (25 g for the base and 20 g for the filling)

  • 15g of whole grain oat flakes

  • 50g of cashew nuts

  • 100g of creamy vegan cheese spread

  • 50g of cooked beet

  • 20ml of coconut oil

  • 5g of shredded coconut


Remove the vegan cream cheese from the refrigerator and leave it at room temperature while preparing the dessert. Base: put whole oat flakes and cashew nuts in the glass and crush coarsely. Add 25 g of vegan milk and mix. Divide the “dough” into two heart-shaped silicone molds. Flatten the mixture with hands lightly moistened with water. Refrigerate while preparing the filling. Mash the beets. Add vegan cream cheese, coconut oil, and the remaining 20g of vegan milk. Whip until all ingredients are well mixed. Pour the mixture into the molds and tap to spread the filling well. Freeze for about 2 hours, just enough to be able to remove the molds. Leave in the refrigerator for at least 1-2 hours or until ready to eat. Sprinkle with grated coconut and serve.

This dessert screams, “I love you!” It’s vegan and also not too sweet, making it perfect for serving on your date with a mature woman!