Dressing For The Food Coma: Clothing For Festive Dinner Parties


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If you’re anything like us, you love heading to dinner parties during the festive season. No matter if you have to travel quite far to see a family member or host many loved ones at your own table, cooking is always best when it’s in pursuit of feeding people we appreciate. Of course, the intense stress of putting together a huge spread can certainly cause us to flap around for a few hours, but it’s all worth it in the end.

That being said, there’s another consideration that we forget when it happens - that of the food baby and coma we’re put into after eating a wonderful festive meal. At once you feel about a million times larger than you are already, and feel like you could hibernate for the season like a brown bear the moment you dare fit in a little more desert - not to mention the wine or tipple of your choice!

A question remains - can I dress for this dinner party in a way that won’t make me feel uncomfortable, while still retaining the style I like? We believe so. Let’s consider, in simple terms, how to dress for huge dinner parties:

Elegant Yet Roomy Outfits

You may be surprised just how much give certain clothes can have. Elastic wasitbands on otherwise smart trousers not only prevent you from having to adjust your fit constantly (we’ve all been there), but they allow for that expansive “oh no I’ve just eaten too much” stomach to grow as much as needed, so you can deal with the food coma with dignity. A nice, sizeable coat or jacket like a Moncler Gilet can provide this in spades, while still looking great.

Footwear That Balances Comfort & Grip

The last thing you need in the daze of a post-festive family meal is to head outside and slip up on the ice. That’s where dressing with some thicker, comfortable shoes that offer grip can be a good place to start. This way, you get to keep your centre of gravity while still questioning just why you had that last slice of fruit cake. Moreover, a good, thicker pair of stronger boots can go with many winter outfits, especially if they’re darker such as with browns and black tones..

Festive Colors & Layers

Layers are ideal when heading to a dinner party, because depending on how the home is heated and how much the meat sweats have affected you, you can de-layer and re-layer as intended. A good Christmas jumper can be the first item on the agenda, perhaps with a long-sleeve and short-sleeve underneath. This way you can adjust to your heart’s content without necessarily restricting yourself. Remember that the clothes don’t have to fit your frame perfectly from top to bottom, you can still get away with slightly baggier tops if they help you relax at the dinner party more readily. Whatever you do don’t wear that shirt slightly under your size, no matter how good you look in it, you’ll wonder why you tried such a foolish stunt later on in the evening.

With this guide and the good humor to see you through so many dinner parties, you’re sure to look fabulous, no matter how many extra helpings you enjoy. That’s what the festive season is all about, isn’t it?