Recipe: Sausage & Caramelised Onion Plait

At work we are having a "bake off" where we all make tasty baked goods and bring them in for everyone.   I wanted to make something savoury for everyone (as well as some brownies!) and came up with this recipe.  It proved very popular both at work and with Nick!  It is a really simple recipe, and very effective!  I also made a vegetation alternative and you can fin that recipe here

You will need:-

1 slab ready rolled puff pastry or use Paul Hollywoods puff recipe  like I did!
8 Good quality, herby sausages ( I used Cumberland)
1 large red onion
2 teaspoons brown sugar
1 teaspoon balsamic vinegar
Egg & milk to brush


First we are going to caramilse the onions to allow them to cool.  Finely slice the onion in to this strips and put into a frying pan and brown off on a low heat.   Add the sugar and balsamic vinegar and allow to cook down and caramalise. Once cooked through allow to cool completely.

Put some baking paper on a baking tray

Sprinkle some flour on your work surface and roll out the pastry into a rough square shape, about 30 x 30cm.

Take the sausages out of their skins and mix the sausage meat together.  Spoon it onto the middle of your pastry and mould it into a sausage shape, leaving plenty of room around the outside and top and bottom.

Cut the pastry at a slight diagonal, on either side of the filling, into 1.5cm strips, the same number each side

Put the onions on top of the sausage and tuck the top and bottom edges of the pastry over the filling. Starting at the top, lay the pastry strips over the filling, taking one from each side, to cross like a plait.   Once done brush the pastry with egg and milk mixture.

Bake for 35/40 minutes or until the sausage meat is cooked and the pastry is golden. Slice and serve!

L x